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Table 4 Data and evaluation methods for English

From: A review on Relation Extraction with an eye on Portuguese



Data size



Performance (%)

Brin [10]

Web pages

24 million pages

Exact pattern matching

Manual evaluation of 20 books selected from a list of over 150,000

19 correct books—95 %

Agichtein and Gravano [1]

North American News corpus

300,000 newspapers

Matching with similar function

Manual evaluation of a set of 100 tuples

93 correct tuples—93 %

Hasegawa et al. [54]

Articles from New York Times

1 year (1995)


Manual evaluation of the relations for 2 domains

Person-GPE F\(=\) 80 %, Company-Company F\(=\) 75 %

Pantel and Pennacchiotti [79]

Articles from TREC-9 and CHEM

TREC-9 \(=\) 5,951,432 words, CHEM \(=\) 313,590 words

Weakly-supervisioned classifier

Manual annotation of 680 instances from TREC and CHEM corpora (2 experts)

TREC part-of P\(=\) 69.9 %, succession P\(=\) 49 %, CHEM is-a P\(=\) 76 %, reaction P\(=\) 91.4 %, production P\(=\) 55.8 %

Carlson et al. [17]

Web pages

200 million pages

Coupling Semi-supervised Learning

Freebase database as Golden Standard

Category average P\(=\) 83 %; relation average P\(=\) 84 %.

Li et al. [64]

Wikipedia and Tago project

Wikipedia \(=\) 4,556,821 pages, % Tago \(=\) 67,973 entity pairs

Semi-supervised multi-view ranking

5 types of relation extract by YAGO Project as Golden Standard

Relation average \(=\) 39 %

Banko and Cafarella [3], Yates et al. [102]

Web pages

9 million pages

Naive Bayes

Manual evaluation of 400 tuples (3 experts)

80.4 % correct tuples

Banko and Etzioni[4]

Sent500 corpus [13]

Sent500 = 500 sentences

Conditional Random Fields

Small set of labeled data for 4 relations from Sent500

Open relation F\(=\) 59.8 %; pre-specified relation F\(=\) 29.5%

Zhu et al. [105]

Sent500 corpus and Web1M corpus

Sent500 \(=\) 500 sentences, Web1M \(=\) 1 million of blocks of Web pages

Markov Logic Networks

Manual evaluation of the extracted tuples from Sent500

F\(=\) 76.4 %

Wu [99], Wu and Weld [100]

WSJ from Penn Treebank, Wikipedia and Web pages


Conditional Random Fields

Manual evaluation of 300 sentences from each corpora (2 experts)

WSJ F\(=\) 64.7 %, Wikipedia F\(=\) 57.2 %, Web F\(=\) 65%

Culotta et al. [25]

Articles from Wikipedia

271 articles

Conditional Random Fields

Manual annotation of the 53 family relations

F = 61.36 %

Li et al. [65]

Articles from New York Times, articles from Wikipedia [25]

New York Times \(=\) 150 articles, Wikipedia \(=\) 271 articles

Conditional Random Fields

Manual annotation of the relations

New York Times Employment F\(=\) 80 %, Wikipedia personal/social F\(=\) 51 %

Fader et al. [36]

Web pages

500 sentences

Logic Regression classifier

Manual evaluation of each extraction as correct or incorrect (2 experts)

F\(=\) 69.8 %.

Liu et al. [66]

Expert-curated corpus

150K words

Semantic interpretation approach

Manual annotation of 565 relation instances for protein-organism-location

F\(=\) 74.9 %

Gamallo et al. [48]

Sentences from Wikipedia in English, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese (2010)

English \(=\) 78,826,696, Spanish \(=\) 21,208,089, Galician \(=\) 1,461,705, Portuguese \(=\) 11,714,672

Unsupervised extraction of verb-based triples

Manual evaluation of 200 sentences from English Wikipedia (2 experts)

P\(=\) 68 %