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Organization of multimedia data for conceptual search based on ontologies


Nowadays, there is a large volume of semantically annotated multimedia data available in the Semantic Web. These data have originated from several different sources, generating new issues about their storage and retrieval. In this scenario, simple ontologies are commonly used to define knowledge domains and classify data into concepts, establishing relations between them. Such conceptual relationship may be measured by a similarity function which allows the search to be performed by similarity in an indexing system. The contribution of this paper is to propose how to organize multimedia data using this conceptual classification in LSH (Locality Sensitive Hashing) functions, facilitating the conceptual search in distributed systems like P2P networks.


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Correspondence to Luciano Bernardes de Paula.

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A previous version of this paper appeared at WEBMEDIA 2010, the Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web.

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de Paula, L.B., Villaça, R.d.S. & Magalhães, M.F. Organization of multimedia data for conceptual search based on ontologies. J Braz Comput Soc 17, 241–254 (2011).

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