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An information retrieval application using ontologies
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society volume 11, pages 17–31 (2005)
Searching for information in long videos can be a time-consuming experience. In this paper, we describe OnAIR, an ontology-aided information retrieval system applied to retrieve clips from video collections.
We used a video collection compiled from interviews with Ana Teixeira, a Brazilian artist. The interviews were made by Paula P. Braga, the domain expert. The interview is developed in the domain of contemporary art and the system uses a domain ontology to expand the queries with related terms. We tested the system with a battery of queries, and we veri.ed that the ontology contributes to the e.ciency improvement in terms of the relevance of retrieved documents. We designed the system to work in a domain-independent way, allowing us to move to other domains by just changing the underlying ontologies and video collections.
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Paz-Trillo, C., Wassermann, R. & Braga, P.P. An information retrieval application using ontologies. J Braz Comp Soc 11, 17–31 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03192373
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03192373