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Table 6 Evaluation study’s exercises

From: MylynSDP — Process - aware artifact filtering based on interest





Subjects are expected to locate a particular use case document among many others and add a brief description for that use case.

This exercise executes the activity “Describe UC” and deals with the case in which low filtering is applied, because the software engineer has not interacted enough with the artifacts.


Subjects are expected to locate a particular use case document among others and update its description by replacing acronyms and abbreviations by their respective expanded meanings. The latter is described in another artifact named glossary. Also, subjects should add an explanatory note beside a particular business rule present at one of the business rule documents.

This exercise executes the activity “Describe UC” and has as its goal to observe subject’s reaction when the task context is small enough to show only a few artifacts to the software engineer.


Subjects are expected to read a note left by another software engineering asking the subject to review a use case that is not initially part of the subject’s work. Subjects should locate the corresponding use case and fix any grammatical or typing mistakes.

This exercise executes the activity “Review UC Description” and is designed to analyze what subjects do when they do not find an artifact in a task context, either by incorrect filtering or by incorrect software process modeling.

4 and 5

Subjects are expected to locate a particular test case document and write a new test case for a given use case based on the specification of this use case. When the subject is about to start writing, the subject is presented with a new high priority exercise. From that moment, subjects are expected to update part of a particular SQL script based on the syntax of other similar SQL scripts. Subjects are then expected to resume the previous exercise.

These exercises execute the activities “Create Test Cases” and “Update DB” and simulate a context change. During the execution of exercise 4, the subject is presented with exercise 5, which is said to be high priority. Then, the subject has to change the context of the task he or she is performing.